Don Price is the ex-Marketing Manager of The Norwich Broom Store today having lost his job for failing to cash in on the Halloween bonanza. While every other shop in town had managed to find a Halloween angle to boost sales, Price could not come up with anything.
‘I’ve racked my brains,’ he explained. ‘The pie shop has an offer on pumpkin pies. Dead easy. The doctor’s surgery has got skeletons in the window. Well I could have done that. The tyre and battery place is now the ‘tyre and batty place’ which is imaginative I suppose, and they have paper bats hanging down as you walk in, which is quite a scare. So well done them. I salute you. But I’d just like to see what these oh so clever people would come up with when your only product is a range of stiff-bristle long-lasting garden brooms with replacable heads?’
‘My boss said he wanted to see them ‘flying off the shelves’ over Halloween. It’s a shame he couldn’t wait until after Christmas to fire me because now he’ll never see my Grotto idea featuring Santa sweeping up all the reindeer shit.’